okay guys here are all the ice creams thatare going to be in the challenge they will never get that one we will just call thatone chocolate hey everybody today we are going to do the ice cream challenge actually it'sgoing to be between tyler sean and kayla because i am going to be the judge and i am the onewith the surprises and i am the one who can't see everyone is going to put on their blindfoldsand i am going to mix up the ice creams so they don't all have the same ice cream foreach round that way they can't cheat by saying what ice cream they have and then the othertwo can copy and then the winner is the one that is going to guesses the most and theloser is going to be the one with the most ice cream on their head so i'm going to wearmy blindfold the way that the cool kids did
it at school i am going to wear it off tothe side like that kind of like a hat you know no i can't do that you have to wear itthe right way and we are going to get this rolling because the ice cream is melting yummyyummy ice cream it just makes it softer all right i'm ready i'm scared are you ready icecream oh sorry tyler i didn't mean to do that that was gross kayla are you over here yeswait come here i want to show you something no why okay well sorry are you tenderizingmy arm there that felt pretty good you should be a masseuse oh yeah okay do it on my backoh we go to cookie oh okay here is tyler's shawn's oh it's in a cone kayla we don't haveto eat the cone do we nope just taste it i'm scared don't look taste it and tell us whatit is is it orange tyler says orange is it
oranges or like peaches or something i'vegot my answer but i like to say it yet though okay when are we supposed to say it you sayit when you think it pineapple sherbet i think i got orange sherbet and tyler he's got orangei think i have orange or peaches well what is it orange or peaches tyler is correct hehas orange sean has raspberry sherbet and kayla has orange sherbet what it's cold buti guess sherbet you are a unicorn actually i think it has to be this way but i guesssherbet but i ate most of the ice cream because it tasted really good oh we have to do betterthan that then what is sherbet alright so it's the good stuff but mommy i guessed sherbetsorry what is sherbet there you go that feels much better what is sherbet is kind of likeice cream but not really okay ty can i see
that thank you very much next round that totallytasted like pineapple that totally tasted like i don't know really good way do you haveone on your head i do it it's really cold i don't want it on their actually it feelskind of nice i don't like it you don't like it what does the loser get a bunch of beatingswith the big boxing gloves alright next a bunch of beatings what is with you in thebeatings man i was becoming violent kayla boo i'm scared of it strawberry sherbet orwait is it just strawberry i don't know i don't know what sherbet is he is all sherbetwhatever sherbet strawberry strawberry strawberry alright everybody got it right i tried totrick them but it didn't work i got a big chunk of strawberry that is what gave it awayfor me to i bit into one and said get that
strawberry i didn't get any i could just tellbecause of the ice cream it is pretty tasty though what am i supposed to do with the leftoversyeah i'll take that i'm scared there is something about being blindfolded that just freaks meout yeah because somebody could totally trip you while you're walking and you wouldn'teven know but i'm sitting down i'm not walking well then somebody could just knock you offyour stool then what if she gave us a beetle like an ice cream beetle ice cream beetleit's like so cold in my head i don't want it on their would you mean it's not that coldkayla i have no hair and it's not that cold i have nothing i have no idea how it feelsit's very soothing i don't like it you don't like it you want me to just mash it in yourhead it hurts how could it possibly hurt you
can take a break put it on the counter hold on hold on we will justmove it to a different spot there we go it's going to slip down my head let's just put it right here there howis that that did not help am i a unicorn now probably i can't see neither can i only yourmom can tell if she starts laughing when she looks at you then you are a unicorn i'm laughingyou are a unicorn okay kayla shawn tyler kayla is a unicorn butterfly is it time to go gofor it mint chocolate chip mint chocolate chip mint chocolate chip all right i guessi have to get more crafty here i just made a big chunk but i didn't know what it wasbut then they said it and then i knew it was chocolate yep you all got it right perfectding ding ding thank you very much gotta do that with antelope and i'm doing it at thecamera i feel like i'm getting robbed here
because every time somebody puts yummy icecream in my hand somebody comes and takes it away for me yeah i know it sucks i knowwill you know what we could be doing bean boozeld this is way better don't do it forthose of you who don't know what being boozeld is don't do it it's not worth it you needto go watch it you need to go watch that video to see how it feels it's not worth it it'snot worth it i thought it was going to be the best game ever i would rather take a pairof pliers and pull my fingernails off one at a time then play being boozeld again nouse a paintball to shoot them off or a paintball gun yeah that would be painful to i wouldrather do being boozeld really yeah because you would have to deal with all that painyou might get a good one i guess tyler tyler
has the best taste buds so far there you gookay so i like the vintage vanilla ding ding kayla got hers right chocolate chip sherbeti don't know what sherbet is chocolate chip sherbet no more sherbet okay chocolate chipwhatever that is i want to say it taste like boogers there was something really chunkyin there and it didn't taste good the ice cream itself was okay i will give you thesimple answer whenever you can come up with and you won't be wrong me yes it is boogerscookie dough chocolate cookie dough vanilla you are awesome tyler he got everyone rightso far it is chocolate chip cookie dough that's my boy hey that's not fair he's been gettingit right oh sorry tyler i didn't mean to do that i meant to hand it to your mom not nicedad i guess i'm a sore loser i'm sad my bad
i don't even know what's going on i'm justlistening to the conversation so what was yours you said boogers yep there you go ohman you drilled a hole now he looks like the devil i'm the devil good look ma the devildang it all right perfect next round i'm ready all these are good will so far i'm not losingso i feel good about that so far on the winner so far well the winner was supposed to notget ice cream on his head well not as much right the winner has the least amount of icecream on their head and so far that is tyler but apparently i am mishandled the ice creamcone when giving it back to your mom oh yeah sure aha it was a total accident man it happenswhere's the ice cream i have no idea it's coming hang on give me one second here allright it's so cold it hurts how many flavors
do we have altogether i don't know i neverhad this i don't like it i feel like i scream is dripping down my shirt is it jelly i knowit is it kinda looks like a jelly huh oh wait a minute i don't know what that is what wasthat flavor yep something is definitely dripping down my shirt is it like jelly it's not jellybut it looks like a jelly i feel like it has raspberry in it it is super good yet it'sdripping on your face on ha ha that's part of the fun no it has strawberry in it likea strawberry swirl kind of thing is there red and it is a swirly thing i'm gonna callit vanilla raspberry swirl i'm saying vanilla strawberry swirl vanilla it's obviously vanillasomething in it that doesn't work i'm going to call it delicious because it's very goodi have ice cream dripping down my head i'm
doing the same thing that kayla did it ischerry cheesecake what no everybody loses oh my goodness it's the gotcha one i almostlike i'm wasting such a tasty treat ouch that hurts can i stick it on my own head what ohyeah daddy has to have it on his head to huh yeah i got the trifecta it's falling off inmy head too much ice cream at once that hurt really bad you didn't take your blindfoldoff did you it hurts really bad yeah when i smashed the cone in and it was breakingthat is just too much i broke the cone on my head what's that i broke the cone on myhead yeah you guys look awesome i'm going to take a quick picture here i am a sure thefans won't mind will they thumbnail thumbnail it hurts hold on right here no i don't trusthim i'm blindfolded oh my head i lost a cone
ice cream just fell on my arm i knew i couldnot trust him i was just trying to give you some love alright let's see a little bit ofblindfolded ice cream love my brain is freezing one more round that's it that's it that'sall we got i saw way moreover there you want more sure i'm not done i won i have ice creamon my head and it hurts a lot what how can i scream hurt it's like the most deliciousthing in the world it's not supposed to be painful owe it is so frozen it's so cold canwe get a heater for this poor girl here put her hand in some warm water my knee hurtsi'm getting ice cream everywhere all right guys here is a good one oh a good one i haven'thad a bad one yet by the way you have some nasty ice cream i kinda wanted garlic icecream garlic ice cream okay try this one is
it okay if i have left over my head and idon't have the cone there hold on where's the cone it's right in front of me know ifyou want i can throw a scoop of ice cream on your head where at their your going tosmash into my head i was in a try to yeah owe that's not nice sorry didn't mean to yesyou did superman superman what is superman taste like i've never had it it's terriblei remember having it in st. augustine oh my gosh superman i don't know what superman isi take it that's wrong then so guess what kayla i think i know what it is but i'm ina way for tyler to go first wait what is it i don't think he knows well because if i saidhe is gonna blurted out yeah that's what it is i totally knew that so what is a ty he'seating it does it remind you of garlic did
you sprinkle garlic on his ice cream or somethingno okay what is it tyler 123 go is it blue 123 go i don't know it's kind of blue-greenviewers is this blue yeah wait for them to answer it's got like nuts and it everythingthat kayla loves no i hate nuts you like blue so what is a ty spit it out i'm gonna haveto give you a special scoop you have like three seconds otherwise you're going to loseby default 32 blueberry it is what pistachio it's pistachio no ice creams on the head it'sactually pretty disgusting yup i ate a lot of it it's still better than being boozeldmore rounds yes more rounds how much more do we got how many different flavors we gotyou guys i think we've gone through all of them you've gone through all of them i haven'tgone through all the flavors i don't know
which flavors everyone has eaten give me theone that we haven't had yet it's easy yeah to me that one yeah but i mix it up so i don'tknow what i'll twist it up here we've all had the same flavors one more round a bonusround a bonus round i don't like this challenge i hate it what get her some bean boozeld allright being boozeld ice cream been boozeld ice cream we are trademarking that right nownobody jelly bean jelly belly they can't make that jelly belly that's it makes jellybeansjelly belly right so we are making being puzzled i scream who are you i am the guy sittingto your right just some guy i didn't try to bite you like you were ice cream you justlicked my arm like i was a piece ice cream how does it taste all right bonus round isit something that we've already had give me
that i needed everybody else is eating itdouble chocolate yet tyler's got his i don't know what this one is it's like chocolatebrownie ding ding ding kayla and tyler both got it wait a minute i confused seriouslycan i look can i look now yeah i guess so can i eat the whole thing yes it is chocolatechip that's part of it all that's just part of it it's called something else chocolatechip well it's chocolate chip and something else what tyler got it i guess it's gottabe chocolate chocolate chip note when you think should we make him stick it on his headyep he lost you better get it from me before i eat it all because it's really good whateverit is do you give up i don't know what that is you did say you already guess that oneyeah i know but i didn't see what it was chocolate
chocolate chip yeah but i got it wrong it'schocolate chip cookie dough mine is not that yeah it is you have to dig deeper to get thecookie dough there ain't no cookie dough and mine it is chocolate chip cookie dough myhead is itchy i don't have regular chocolate chip i think this game is rigged this is goingto be a new style in the future i hope you guys realize whatever it is that i have goingon here you're going to be so jealous in like five years to be like all i remember thatguy from the davises totally started that trend yay so everyone is done wait i thinkme and daddy both got three though you both got three wrong or three right i had morethan that i can feel 1234 on my head which i can't i think so so daddy got the most wrongtyler got the most right he has the best taste
buds and kayla was in the middle tyler's gotthe best taste buds way to go tyler we hope you enjoyed it can i wash my face you notsupposed to do that to the winner now are going to do some shout outs thank you everybodyfor watching were to do some shout outs it so awesome all right tyler you want to reada few here kayla you want to come over here i'm washing myself you can wash yourself afterwardsget over your girl i didn't even look at you read those three right there okay right nowso the way that they're doing it in case you missed out we have been getting so many shoutout requests literally the list would be like a mile-long and we would be here for the restof the night doing that so we are doing 12 at a time so we each read three names howeverwhen it comes to helping us spread the word
one thing that we can notice here is if you'reon twitter and you retweet our videos that go out there i see that we love it thank youso much because that means you like our videos so much that you're telling all your friendsall about it and hopefully they click on it and they subscribe and they like our videosto that's all we have are shout outs this time keep them coming and we will put youon the list try to do just one if you haven't heard your name i've got it on the list i'mpretty sure it's on the list there so just be patient as we will get to you we love youand subscribe like share with all your friends tell them how much fun you're having hereand right after the video to show you my punishment i wanted to remind everybody that we do havea po box now so if you want to send us some
mail just write to us whatever you want toshare with us that would be great and we will return that by sharing on here some of yourletters yea so now we have a po box or we can get gifts from you guys i have the besttasting hair gel in the world what is the po box it's in the description down belowthe po box i don't have it memorized so you'll have to click on the description anyways welove you guys thank you so much by you have all a wonderful day until next time yeah shelost the chubby bunny challenge so we asked all you guys out there all you dffs what shouldwe do to punish her first off i just have to say that some you guys are pretty meani mean a handful of bean boozeld oh my gosh have you guys even tried one of those thingsthat is just like the worst i would rather
get 10 lashings in public square then to eata handful of bean boozeld beans those things are so gross so nasty another one was a bucketof ice water which we could still do but that would've been pretty fun but we don't wantto get a bunch of lumps on this beautiful head here with all those ice cubes fallingon her head the most actual most commented torture was raw egg so this is pasteurizeso it is safer but i am scared because i don't want to be sick but were going to do thisbecause it is my agreed-upon punishment and so here we go and i'm going to allow her tothrow up in my shirt so we don't have to clean it up off the floor so that's gonna happenjust go ahead and aim at me baby i don't think i want the shells though oh no and the eggyolk broke this is not good i'm scared yum
do you want a scrambled raw egg or that canbe sunnyside mixed i'm scared people okay here goes one two 2 1/2 three go okay heysave some for me it's doable it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be i madeit yay i drank it i didn't see a gag reflex nothing that was so boring i'm sorry nexttime you guys are gonna have to think up of a different torture someone else to bringup a good one when i'm getting a little thirsty here somebody did bring up a good one it wasabout having the kids do make up on my face and then walk through a grocery store somethingand i'm probably gonna take that on at some point down the road just for fun not for punishmentjust to do it to see what people just to see what it would be like at the become a funnyi can't wait to see that one is anything else
that we should be telling him we do have apo box a make sure to look in the description down below and send us your fan mail we wouldlove to see some of that were not ready for live we will definitely do some videoing onthat so you guys can see some of your comments and likes all the good mail and all that goodstuff yeah we have been getting a lot of requests to get that set up and we are going to bedoing like you now and and some live streaming pretty soon were kind of new we've only beendoing this for about a month we have a lot of fans that are coming over and were growingreally big and we are so grateful we love you guys so much thank you for that but wewere not 100% ready for all the stuff that you wanted us to do but we are ramping upand it is coming so just be patient and one
thing i wanted to say in helping us grow youguys are great you're spreading the word i don't know of any other ways that you guyscan think of if you're on twitter that's one way that's very helpful if you can get outthere when we post these videos retweet those videos to all your friends because if youlike him they will probably like him to and that would really help us out a lot and wewould really appreciate it and i'll give a special shout out to our top tweeters outthere so if you guys are looking for shout outs that's one way you can get them and theni think that's it anything else you got no that's it for now thank you guys for watchingand will see you next time awesome cheers