play doh for sale etarigan Friday, January 13, 2017

- [jason] hey everyone, it's jason! - [kathy] and kathy! - [jason] back with another really exciting video for you guys. - [kathy] yeah, we have thenew shopkins happy meal toys! - [jason] yeah, and we're so excited to see the shopkins inside. there are 16 different bags, and each bag contains a visible shopkin,

and then also a hidden shopkin. - [kathy] so it's a long shot, but we're really hoping toget the whole collection. - [jason] yeah we are, but we took a look at the checklist, and there's like almost 50 of 'em to collect. - [kathy] so, to try andincrease our chances, we each have 16 bags. so, let's go ahead and get started!

- [jason] yeah, let's get started! - [kathy] okay, so i'll startout with bag number one. (upbeat music) (bag rustling) okay, here's a quicklook at the checklist. it says there are common,rare, and ultra rare, metallic and glitter finish. here's a look at our firstsection, they're dresses, so these are new, how cool!

then we have purses, apretty big beauty section, and on the back we have shoes. and then here are the rare's, and you can see theyhave a glitter finish. and then we have ultra rare's, and these have the metallic finish. penelope perfume, kelseycompact, and tiara. what's super cool is that ifyou scan your happy meal toy, you can unlock a shopkinsgame in the free mcplay app.

that's pretty cool! okay, so as you can tell, wehave one visible shopkins. here we have prommy, andthese are really cool. they're much biggerthan the other shopkins. and then this bag, we havea season one blue basket. and then we also have a mystery bag, and we just noticed there's a code at the bottom right hand side of this bag. we're gonna kinda keep track and

see if it gives us a clue asto what's inside these bags. let's see who our first shopkin is. okay, this is bella la ball, how cute! i love this dress! these are really fun! - [jason] okay, lets seewhat we get in my bag one. of course, we get the same prommy. as you can see, the code isslightly different on my bag. mine is a cbw1r1, andkathy's was a bbw1r1.

so, we definitely have adifferent shopkin inside this bag. all right, we got a katie clasp, so cool! - [kathy] it looks likeshe's a little change purse. you would open it up here, andthen keep your coins inside. alright, on to bag two! awesome, we have another dress! this one is tutusweet. so it looks like we have a season two bag. these are super cool, i bet you can

fit three or four shopkins inside! my bag number two, it lookslike we have a duplicate. this one is bbw1r1, so i'm guessing it's the same yellow dress, let's see. yep, we have another bella la ball. - [jason] okay, let's seewhat's in my bag number two. course, we know we have tutusweet. we have a new code! alright, this one iskelsey compact, so cute!

look at all the detail in the back! - [kathy] that's pretty cool! - [jason] and this onealso came with a pink bag. - [kathy] moving on to bag three. this time we have,awesome, we have a ring! this one is rhonda ring, how cool! this could actually fit onyour guys finger (laughs)! pretty cool! we have another blue basket, and it looks

like a new code, so let's see who we have. awesome, we have curly! wow, this is really big! these are so fun! - [jason] on to my bag number three. we have another rhonda ring, of course, and here's the code for this one. feels like another curly, yep! - [kathy] bag four!

okay, this one is mia mirror. wow, i love all the details on these little shopkins, they're so cool! she has a little bit of aruffle around the edges, here, and then a bow on the back, fun! we have another curly! wow this one must be really common, that's three so far! - [jason] okay, here's my number four,

but as you can see, it hasa season two bag in it, not a season one basket. - [kathy] maybe we'll get lucky and have a different mystery shopkin. - [jason] i hope so, let's see. here's my mia mirror, oh noit looks like another curly. that's too bad, there are just too many of these to collect toget so many duplicates. - [kathy] i agree, number five!

we have suzie school skirt. - [jason] say that ten times fast! - [kathy] yeah, that one's a tongue twister, but really cute! this time we have aseason two pink basket. at least it looks like we havea different mystery shopkin! this is penelope perfume,how cute, look at her lips! i love the blue flower, too! awesome!

- [jason] okay, here's another difference. my bag five has a season three bag, and not a season two basket. here's my suzie school skirt. that looks like a different code. oh my goodness, guys! - [kathy] yay, you got the metallic, ultra rare, penelope perfume, how cool! - [jason] woohoo, i'll show you guys

the code again in case youguys are looking for this one. you're looking for pcw2r3. here's a look at the difference between the ultra rare, metallicfinish and the common one. - [kathy] on to bag six. aww, look how cute, thisone is flippa flops, and as you can see, they'relittle sandals, how cute! i love the little suns on the front. this one is one of my favorites so far!

this one has a season three bag in it. let's see which one's in this mystery bag. yay, we got polly polish, she's one of my all time favorite shopkins! she's so cute with herlittle brush in her hand. fun! - [jason] okay, now on to my bag six. you can see our flippaflops right there on top. hello, flippa flops, and minealso has a season three bag.

this one feels prettybig, here's the code. alright, we got a new one! this one is carrie clutch, another purse. - [kathy] okay, bag seven! alright, in bag seven we have a tiara. another pink basket, and the shopkin inside this bag feels pretty small. oh, we have ballet slippers! the name of these balletslippers is teenie, really cute!

- [jason] on to bag seven for me! it looks like i have aseason two basket in mine. here's a tiara hidden inside. alright, looks like wehave a glitter finish! - [kathy] i love the glitter finish on those ballet slippers! - [jason] yeah, so we both got teenie, but this is the ultra rare with the glitter finish, pretty cool!

okay, so the one i opened with the ultra rare was tcw2r4, and the one kathy opened was tbw2r4. it looks like the c is theone that comes with the rare. - [kathy] okay, we're onbag eight, halfway there! in bag eight, we have sneaky wedge. so cute, they're stickingtheir tongue out, funny! it looks like we have a duplicate. we have another blue pairof teenie ballet slippers.

- [jason] here's my sneaky wedge. mine also comes with a season two basket. this one definitely feelsdifferent than teenie. here's the code. alright, let's see who we have. - [kathy] another one! - [jason] awesome! - [kathy] how is it thatyou're getting all the rare's? - [jason] i don't know,just lucky i guess!

- [kathy] super lucky, cool! - [jason] this one isthe rare judy jumper. - [kathy] i love the glitter. - [jason] yeah, that is awesome! so much glitter in that one, pretty cool! lucky me, today is my lucky day! if you're looking for rare judy jumper, again, here's the code, jcw2r4. - [kathy] alright, bag nine.

okay, so here is the blueversion of bella la ball. we got the yellowversion in our first bag. here she is in blue, blue basket. yay, we got a new one! we have the white andyellow rhonda ring, awesome! - [jason] okay, let's see what's in mine. let's keep going with theserare's and ultra rare's. here's my bella la ball. this one definitely feels different.

alright, we got jennifer rayne in red! there's her little umbrella, so cool! - [kathy] alright, bag 10! inside we have kitty flats,and you know what's funny, is my daughter haileyactually has a pair of shoes in blue that look almost just like this. so cute, little kitty shoes! we have a blue basket. cool, we got another rare!

- [jason] wow, i like that one a lot! - [kathy] me too, this is a hot pink and clear looking rhonda ring. so shiny, looks like asparkly diamond, so fun! - [jason] again, here's the code for that rhonda ring, rcw3r5. alright, i don't know if i can beat that rhonda ring,that was pretty awesome! here's my kitty flats, purple ones.

another blue basket, this definitely feels different than anything i've opened yet. maybe not, another jennifer rayne. - [kathy] alright, bag 11. we have the blue versionof kelsey compact. we have a pink bag. yay, we got another rare, oh my goodness, we're getting so lucky! this is the pink version oftutusweet with tons of glitter!

- [jason] alright, guys ithink we've cracked the code! it looks like the secondletter is either an a, b, or c. a is one color, b is anothercolor, and c is the rare. - [kathy] that's what we're thinkin'. - [jason] so far, i think every rare we've opened has been a c. okay, number 11 for me, it looks like i also have a pink bag. here's my blue kelsey compact.

okay, this time we have a b. interesting, that one is a prommy, so that was a non hiddenone in our first bag. - [kathy] yep, alright, bag 12. inside 12 we have rebecca bag. this is a purse, a really cute one too! another pink bag, and we have another b. this is duffa, like a duffle bag. cool, another new one!

- [jason] what's in my bag 12? here's my rebecca bag, andmine has a blue basket. this one has an a, pretty big one. alright, so this is thegreen version of katie clasp. here's a look at the two side by side. - [kathy] alright, bag 13! we have a green bag, and another dress! this dress is judy jumper (laughs). cute, take a look at those lips (laughs)!

okay, our bag has a b on it. awesome, we have thepink version of tiara! here's a look at thepink and purple together. - [jason] alright, here's my judy jumper. i also have a season three bag. hmm, interesting, this one hasan s for the second letter. hmm, might ruin my theory. this one is the purple suzie school skirt. that is definitely a tongue twister.

- [kathy] alright, bag 14, almost done! we have the pink version of teenie, the cute little ballet slippers. this one has an a. this one is wendy wristlet,because you can hang your purse on your wristwith this little band. this one is really cute, ilove the stars and the hearts. - [jason] here's the pinkteenie's that came in my bag, and i also have a season three bag.

hmm, that looks familiar, thatmight be another duplicate. yep, we got another suzie school skirt. - [kathy] alright, bag 15! inside we have the blue version of penelope perfume, i love her lips. we have a b. fun, we have the blueversion of flippa flops. - [jason] another blue penelope perfume, and another season three bag.

alright, there's a c, let's see if we're right and that this one is a rare. yay, this is the rare flippa flops. it's kinda hard to seethe glitter on this one, but you can see little specks, there. okay, here's the bagthat kathy just opened with the blue flippa flops,and you see it's fbw4r8, and here is the bag i just opened with the rare and it's fcw4r8.

so there you go, our theory is correct. - [kathy] yep, okay my last bag, bag 16. inside, fun, we have another new one! this is connie coin bag, another coin purse! alright, let's see what ihave in my last mystery bag. i got another blue flippa flops. - [jason] alright, my last bag too. here's my connie coinbag, another pink basket.

we got a b! same thing kathy got, anotherflippa flops in the blue. okay guys, so since we didn'tget any of the sneaky sally, we wanted to give youguys a look at these ones. we had bought these for our son, josh, and this came in this bag. it's pretty cool! okay guys, here's a look at our full collection that we got today.

- [kathy] and the good news is, we're only missing 16shopkins to complete our set. - [jason] not bad at all! - [kathy] and i'm really excited that we found so many rare's,and even an ultra rare! - [jason] let us know ifyou guys would like us to do a video and reveal all of the different codes for each one of these. - [kathy] yeah, we can kind of flash up

on the screen the shopkin andthen put its code underneath. - [jason] if that would be helpful for you guys to collectthese, let us know. also, leave us a comment and let us know what shopkin we openedtoday was your favorite. - [kathy] that's a really hard one, but i think i'm gonna gowith the rare rhonda ring. - [jason] very good choice! - [kathy] yeah, this one's awesome!

i love all the glitter inthe gemstone, really cool! - [jason] and my favorite is the ultra rare penelope perfume. i am so glad we got at least one ultra rare, that is awesome! hailey, which one's your favorite? - [kathy] you like theglittery ballet shoes? - [hailey] yes! - [kathy] if you're new to our channel,

we'd love it if you would subscribe. - [jason] yes we would,thanks so much for joining us! - [kathy] we'll see you next time guys! - [both] bye! - [hailey] bye!

by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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