play doh for toddlers etarigan Friday, January 13, 2017

there is no black play-doh, right? there - ihave it right here. oh, hurr hurr hurr! hey everybody, today we're doing the play-dohchallenge! spats is - spats is right over there, but now he can't get past all the play-doh.there's like, all the play-doh right here, which you cannot see, and it's not organizedin color order this time - it's gonna be harder, cause i used some of it. we have implementsof destruction. i went on amazon, and you can very cheaply buy the play-doh implementsof destruction. is that actually the - they're not called play-doh implements of destruction?no. how sad! they should be! and this time, we're going to do it right. oh, is, i think the camera is - we're not using our microphone right now, because it's broken,but the little audio things there are moving,

so -- they're moving, i might have to add- boost the gain on the audio for these videos, because it's looking a little choppy, andi'm hoping i'm not going to cry my eyes out after we film six videos and then i find outthat the audio's all [muffled noises] - but i did test it with spats earlier. he's sittingright there. right there. on secret paper. okay, so this time, now that we know the rulesfor the play-doh challenge... i think that one was just like a test, to see how, to seeif people wanted to see more play-doh challenges. yeah. i also got these silicon baking matsto use as our surfaces so that they won't slide around. they've very staticy. some peoplehave really cool mats that i don't know where they got, but i got these really cheaply onamazon too. i chose the blue one. mine's the

red one, cause it's my favorite color - andi chose the blue one because that was the only one left. but you chose first, so...and we're going to time ourselves. it will be 10 minutes per round, we are going to dotwo 10 minute rounds, and one final - one final 5 minute speed round, okay? we're goingto do this properly. sort of. and we're gonna be doing it with shopkins. we're gonna bedoing it with shopkins, because we noticed our friends over at kittiesmama did ponies,which i don't know if they posted the pony one yet, but i told them ponies was reallyhard, and they said "oh really?" because they did shopkins twice, right, and it wasn't thathard. oh yeah, they tried ponies, now they know. ponies are not easy, unless you're veryartsy, like me. like her. but even still,

it didn't look like a pony. alright, so - becausewe only had five minutes! there was that - there was the whole not having enough time thingtoo. spatsy! okay, so why don't you open up the disney animators box of shopkins, andblindly pick a shopkin. i got the little toast one! oh, fairy toast, very good. okay. andnow i'm going to stick my hand into the disney animators blind box o' shopkins. please don'tlet me get one with a bunch of colors, please don't... okay, i got one that's round. oh,oh, i can make this! i got this one! this is like the little, like the cupcake, thepudding, the cupcake with the pudding. i can do this! i can do this! that guy, that guyover there. so wait, let me take a picture,

so i can insert - so i can be professional.cause like, a lot of our friends are getting - a lot of our youtube friends are gettingjust way too professional. whoa, what the heck did i just do! ah, stop! you see whathappens when i try to get professional? the timer will be set for 10 minutes, not five.we have implements of destruction, a cat, shopkins, what could possibly go wrong? oh,we have play-doh too. are you ready? yes. on your marks, get set, go! i have a plan on how to do this. now, it doesn't have to

be as small as the original, cause that wouldbe like impossible. we both said impossible at the same time, okay. so look, we're alreadynot even - we still - look at how much time we have left. so this is going to be a breeze.i got my chocolate right here, very cool. i'm gonna get all my colors first, you see,cause in case we run out of a color. i have a problem, we don't just have red. oh, i guess this is red. i think that's supposed to be play-doh's intro container. oh, nobody's played with this one yet! oooh!but i'm wasting time. wasting time. wasting time. stop wasting time. okay, so that's goingto be my cherry, and i need a little bit of white play-doh, which i think we are - ohyou have, thank you. and yours only has - remember,

you've got sprinkles. remember your sprinkles.okay, now here we go. i have a plan. i have a game plan. you have a plan. now do i needany implements of destruction? i don't know. i think i'm going to roll out my, my... causei have to make the wrapper, so just because i want to play with my tools that i bought,i'm going to roll it out... on my baking thing here. oh, it works pretty well, by the way!silicon baking thing. and because i want the ruffled edge, i'm going to use the rufflededge maker thing. mhmm. but i need to make it thinner, because i need to make a circleout of this. okay. so i need to go, like, oh that's making a big ruffled edge. but it'sclose. it's close enough for rock n' roll. okay. so, alright. so this is gonna be mywrapper, sort of.

okay. alright. now i need like, a knuckle or something, so i can makeit sort of wrapper-like. oh wow, how much time do we have? oh my gosh, we still haveseven minutes and 47 seconds. see, like 10 minutes feels too long. what do you think?i don't know. play-doh in my bracelet! knowing us i think that's a good amount of time. youthink that's a good amount of time? i think i'm gonna need help with mine. my edges - idon't think they're coming out the way i wanted. i think i have to do that over, the entirething. that wasn't a good plan. okay, here we go. okay. so... i need to go back to my- as long as nobody looks at the back, i think

mine looks pretty good. oh my god, yours looksso good, mine looks so stinky! oh no! i think i need more green, i need to make it bigger.i think i'm too small. i'm gonna use that little flesh tone i have left, after i made the cinnamon rolls that spats knocked over. well, i mean, you know, stuff happens. we go. now this is looking more wrapper-like. and see, i have nails, and i can make a wrapper.dang it. i don't have long nails. but you have tools, you have other tools. i know.we all have - we all have different tools. god gave us different tools, right everybody?right. mkay. alright. i'm looking good as long as you don't look at the back. yeah,as long as you don't look at this section i'm doing pretty good. okay. now, i need tomake my chocolate in the middle, which is

really not that hard to do. i think i cansort of put that in there, but i need a tiny tiny bit, because there's this little dribblethat happens off the side for some reason, he like - he loses control of himself anddribbles over the side of his container a little bit. okay, c'mon. here, get over here,dribble. there we go. and now let's sort of texture the top of this a little bit... howare you doing? yours is looking way too good. how much time do we have left? oh, five minutesand 35 seconds? this is like... i mean, i'm taking my time here people. how's it lookingso far? it's looking pretty good, i think. alright, now i need to make a dollop of whipcream. time to make a dollop, do a dollop, do a dollop of daisy. oh yeah! i'm too happy,something's gonna go wrong! spats is gonna

step on mine right at the end and destroyit or something! i'm trying to make a little dollop of whip cream! mine's going to lookslightly insane. i think - i think that's okay. alright, i made a dollop. look at mydollop. oh, oh, it's so dollopey. oh, look at my dollop. my dollop is beautiful. oh,i have to put the eyes on it, don't i. oh. uh oh. and feet. i may have forgotten a fewthings. this might not be as easy as i think it is. okay. this is my strawberry, righthere. there's my strawberry. okay. now, i need to make eyes. there is no black play-doh,right? i have it right here. alright, i need to make my eyes. mine's going to look like so funky. oh, yours looks so cute! yours looks

really cute! hers is lookin' really cute!mine is looking really good, look! doesn't mine look good? look, i got my dollop andeverything! now i just have to put legs, and um, so i need some more of this play-doh righthere. i need to make two feet. i need to make two sort of to-scale feet. mhmm. [singing] footie, number one. footie, number two. look at that, he's got feet now. very good. oh,but wait, the feet don't go there. oh, i've got the dribble in the wrong place. uh i going to get points off for that? for having my dribble in the wrong place? nah,i don't think it really matters. oh good,

now that i've destroyed my thing to fix i need to make eyes. hmm. and this is a season two shopkin, so it has the littleeyebrows on it. hmm. hehehe gracie, we're making play-doh things. wait, how are we doingon time, as i'm sitting here acting like... okay, two minutes and 52 seconds. stuff'sgetting real now. it's getting real. alright, wait, i need my spatula. that was useless.that was - oh, ah, the feet! c'mon, stick! stick! my feet stuck to the thing insteadof to the character. oh, i'm having technical problems with the eyes, i was getting cocky.see what happens when you get cocky? see? my god, it looks like he has a blue unibrow,but that's okay. that's okay.

it's not that bad. it really isn't that bad. oh wait, hehas a little tiny pink mouth. what's that about? where'd that come from? oh, yours looksawesome! oh no. this is bad. this is very bad. hers looks way better than mine guys.okay. i need a little tiny pink smile. how are we doing on time? um, one minute and 48seconds. oh look, i never knew you could do that! i spend my whole life saying that togracie. like with technology. oh, don't frown! oh now it looks like you have a pink look like markiplier now. no pink mustaches. okay, there you go. ooh, now i just need toget my feet really stuck on there good, get in there. oh my god, i think i'm done. ah,ah, me too! ah yes! you're done? yeah. look at us, with one minute and 22 seconds lefton the clock, we are done, everybody! okay.

are you ready? wow. yours looks really let me take close-up images of them for you. it's because i'm a perfectionist, i thinkit looks terrible. but, but... i'll show them to the camera, but i want to take close-upsfor you. it's so bad! yours looks so cute, mine looks like a hot mess. no it doesn't!i think yours looks more like fairy toast than mine does. mine looks like he's got somesort of an eye disease, look, his eye is like... one of his pupils is falling out of his eye!okay. so i'm gonna - here we go. so you guys, write down below and let us know who won.mine looks like a piece of poo. this is mine. this is mine, okay? but look, i've got mydollop. okay, wait, and this is what i was supposed to be making. that is what i wassupposed to be making, and that's what i ended

up with, so you let us know what you think.and gracie - gracie's being very critical of herself. it looks so bad! i don't thinkso, i don't think so. alright, so you guys let us know in the comments what you think.can i just kill this thing? you can smash it all you want sweetie. ahh! play-doh rage.yeah, mine is really creepy looking. oh my gosh! wait, i have to take a picture of that!oh my god, that is so cool. this is what happened when she smashed it. now it looks really cool,it looks like a salvador dali painting. now it actually looks better! yeah it does! lookat that! very cool. alright, so we're supposed to do another round? i'm actually going tolet this dry. that does look really cool, yeah, alright. so um, so now we're supposedto do another round of this, correct? mkay.

you ready to go for another one? i'm makingabstract art. abstract art is awesome. abstract art is very cool. see, if you don't like somethingyou've made, you can just - you can just steamroll it and call it abstract art. can i actuallydo this to yours? you wanna do it to mine? okay. i wanna see what happens when you steamrollmine. okay, here we go. oh, he looks really cute! he almost looks like an easter egg typeof dude. that's actually what we're gonna do with all of the ones - all of the onesthat we make. that's a good idea, look at that! they actually look better now. yeah,that was pretty cool! alright, let me reset the clock here. we have artistic qualities!i'm impressed. and let me tell you something. it's way easier doing it in 10 minutes witha shopkin than it is to do it in five minutes

with a pony. just sayin'! just sayin'! okay.alright. yeah, very cool. alright gracie, let us pick our next shopkin! i'm really hopingi get cool cube, cause he's really easy. yeah, well see that was the other thing. i onlyhad a few colors, you had to do the fairy toast thing with all the sprinkles. okay,you pick first, i'm not looking. we got cool cube! [gasps] did she cheat? i'm actuallygoing to put him back because i want one that's harder. ooh, look at my girl, challengingherself! see that's what happens when you go to home school. i'll do this one, becausethis one's harder. oh it is, that one's really hard. she took out a baby one. she got thebaby bottle one, or the baby powder, right? yeah. alright so let me find mine, are youready? shake it up, shake it up. oh i scared

the cat, hehe! daddy's gonna come home fromwork and like, we're gonna be like, "don't hit the light! don't hit the light! don'thit the light!" - and he's gonna come home and we're gonna be sitting here doing thisand he's gonna be like "what are you doing?" and then he's gonna be mad cause he wantedto do the sticks video and i did it without him. okay. please don't let me get somethinghard. oops, something fell out. oh no. do i have to do the one that fell out? um, probably.alright, where did it go? it went on the floor. oh, okay, that's not too bad! okay, okay.oh, it's even - it's a glittery rarey one too! alright, let me take a picture of thetwo we have to do here. okay, so gracie is doing baby powder and i am doing the pinkshampoo - oh no, it's oil, glittery one. okay.

and we're gonna put 10 minutes on the clock,let's put 10 minutes on the clock, and it starts... now! ahh! okay. i think this oneworks better for you. i'm looking for a lighter pink... yeah. yeah no, i think... i think...well what about mixing for you? because you do need to make - we both need to make lighterpink than what we have. and i'm dropping lids. okay. i did start the timer, right? hi guys,this seems to be a regular thing, in this particular configuration. because we justdid this in the blink basket video too. okay, yeah, i need like a lighter pink than this.these are both really dark. okay, so give me some pink. give me some pink. have somepink. and then mix it with this lighter pink. so i need more lighter pink than darker pinki think. i'm starting to sound like the cat

in the hat! what was that? i was like "i thinki need some ligher pink i think i think," said sam i am. now this is where i got messedup on the pony challenge, is i had to make a color. so remember i had to make grey, soi spent the first three minutes of our mistaken five minutes making grey, so yeah, i thinki need white in here too. can you just throw me - thank you, look at the cooperation!this isn't a competition, because we're mother and daughter, and we're all about helpingeach other out. mush! mush! mush! i love it, i love play-doh. i'm so happy we're doingplay-doh. the play-doh makes me so happy. does the play-doh make you happy? does it?we've got eight minutes and 15 seconds. we've got plenty of time. i have to make a rectangle,and i have to put some yellow bits on it.

and then the eyes, which are the problem.and then you have to make a semi rectangle. i'm not gonna ask you to try and make it'd have to go put dust on it or something. you'd have to get like dust bunnies, whichi have plenty of dust bunnies to choose from in the house, but yeah, that. and please don'task me to have to glitter mine. i won't. okay. you'd have to like run upstairs and come back.yeah. so i need to sort of make it a rectangle, so i need to sort of smashey smashey it withmy tools to make something rectangular. man, i would've killed for these tools when i wasa kid. we did have - i have to say, i don't wanna lie. we did sort of have a somethingtool, we had something, we had like a rolling pin that must've come with a play-doh set,and something else. so we weren't completely

devoid of play-doh tools in my house. notthat you need tools for play-doh, i mean, you can use anything. but. it's cool, andthey were like so cheap. i should remember to put a link, and they were on amazon andi was like, c'mon, that's ridonculously cheap. oops, see i keep doing that by accident. it's thawing over here, yeah, there's no snow on the ground. okay, alrighty., alright i have sort of a rectangular shape now, okay. so i have a rectangle now. graciedoesn't like to show hers until the end, cause she's a perfectionist, and she does not wantto shame herself with showing you her... okay, how are we doing on time? six minutes and32 seconds. so much time. okay. what does this look like? he's got little pertrusionson the sides of him, and i didn't leave myself

extra play-doh, so i'm going to need to stealfrom the bottom of him to make the pertrusions. what's the matter, it's not...? it looks terrible.i would make it as one thing, like i'm doing with this, and then just sort of sculpt thattop piece. that's what i would do. cause it's hard to make those tapered top things, i think. i think. hey c'mon, you're the girl who made - did you ever see her princess and the frogthat she made out of sculpey? did we ever show you guys that? i think it was beforewe had a channel. it was like, insane, how she made this. like, i gave her sculpey. shewas like "i wanna try making stuff with sculpey." i was like, okay, let's get some sculpey.she sits down at the table and she's all of

like eight years old or something, and sheproceeds to do an entire princess and the frog thing with like a lake, and - we're actuallygoing to go get this when we're done. yeah, after that, because she's gotta show you,because it's like totally cool. i'm like, "what? what? you just made that?" okay, alright,i need it to be sort of small in comparison to - this looks like a pink adipose. it does!doesn't it? i'm looking at it and i was like "that shape looks really familiar!" and theni was thinking, "am i having a close encounters moment?" - oh, comment if you know that! uh,can you tell me what that - close encounters of the third kind. great movie, you need towatch that with me. that's gonna be your home school summer break - home school summer breakis gonna be forced to watch science fiction

movies with mommy. yup. that's tough. it'sa tough life, gracie leads. i have a feeling we are running out of time, and i still don'thave a face. four minutes. okay, no, we still have time. okay. and you've gotta do all thelittle details - i know, well now it's getting into the details. do any of you watch likecupcake wars or any of those shows? because we watch a lot of those shows, like face off.does anybody watch face off on the science fiction channel? and this season on face off,they're bringing back past winners, to teach - like to coach, almost like the voice, sortof. kind of. but not really at all. but sort of. oh my god, i don't know what i'm doingright now. i need the glasses, spats, you need to get off the glasses. i can't see.i can't see! i'm so old, i can't see! at least

i don't have to do full flushed eyes becausebaby powder dude's eyes are closed. oh you're so lucky, i have to do eyes, and a swoosh,and hands, and another swoosh, and the word "oil." where's the black? i'm not doing theword "baby." okay. can we agree we don't have to do the word? because i don't think i'mspelling out "oil" in cursive in the next three minutes and 22 seconds. with play-doh.with play-doh. i just don't see it happening! i need to make my eyes smaller, cause lasttime my eyes looked really disturbed, so it was not good. i'm not sure our implementsof destruction have really helped much, how about you? oh you're finding a good way touse them, you're more talented than i am. i don't know what that is on my, on my thing.i need the white, please. we're gonna need

more white play-doh. yeah. i gotta get, igotta order a thing of white play-doh. "do those things come in a jumbo size, like asuper size?" - "why do you need that much play-doh, ma'am?" - "youtube." - that's myanswer for everything in life, "because youtube!" - wait, i can't even see my shopkin rightnow. ooh, alright actually that's looking pretty good considering what you had to make.mine, is one again going to look deranged. it's the eyes, it's always the eyes that getme. okay. does this thing have a mouth? i'm poking the little holes in the top becausei have extra time. oh good, alright, how much time do we have left? uh, two minutes and...five seconds. okay good, because i just found the yellow thing on here that i missed. oh,one of my arms fell of. uh oh, uh oh, red

alert, arms are falling off now. we're losingnubs, we're losing nubs! alright, and there's like a little swoosh of yellow on the sidefor some reason, right over here. i don't know why, and he needs a mouth. this is sofun, but so incredibly stupid! just like everything in life. that's the best - you know, the bestthings in life are fun and incredibly stupid. okay, once again, with time left on the clock,right, i think... are you done? yeah. i think i'm done. i think that 10 minutes is entirelytoo long for mommy and gracie show. with one minute and 23 seconds left on the clock, we,are done. so we're gonna put lids back on here. it looks better my last one, and itstill looks really bad. i think, you know, i mean i don't think any of them ever becometruly representative of their shopkin counterparts.

it's less deranged than the last one, i'llgive you that much, it doesn't look like it's about to kill anyone, and neither pupil isbulging out of its eye, like robin's vestigial twin that lives in his eyeball on teen titans,so. okay, do you wanna show yours first? okay. okay, so this is gracie's baby powder, soshow them your thing. it's horrifying, i know. and here's what she was supposed to be don't be so harsh on yourself. okay, that's what she was making. i think it was very challengingto pick that, because it's very hard to do the details, i mean there's just no way, becausethe details are so soft. um okay, everything's moving, we have to move back to the otherstudio until they start doing stuff. then hopefully if everything works out right andthe survey comes back right then they can

actually enlarge our studio. okay. this iswhat i was supposed to make, i was supposed to make oil, and this is what i made. so commentdown below whose you think came out better, we're gonna put in the pictures, okay, solet me just get them side by side. gracie, i think yours is adorable, and it's hard todo because he did have the sleepy eyes, so i think that was really a touch one. here,we'll give you the close up look here with a photo. i'm saving all of them so we canmash all of them into one big steamrolled masterpiece. okay so you let us know whichone you think came out better. i think it's definitely gracie's, because mine does notlook anything like this thing of oil. okay, time - time for the speed round. oh, do youwanna go get your lady, your princess and

the frog? yeah, but first i want to steamrollthem. okay, steamroll them. it's time to steamroll them! wait, let me film the actually looks more like the actual thing now that i steamrolled it. now that you'vesteamrolled it it does. can you steamroll mine please? we're gonna insert the steamrollingfootage, picture-in-picture like. yeah, i don't know. kittiesmama, can you please commentdown below and tell me where did you get those cool mats that you had? because these arevery sticky. it's time to steamroll this one. steamroll my adorable little rare little thing.this reminds me a little bit of the annoying orange. oh, it looks so cool steamrolled!wait, you know what it looks like? it looks like the alien kid from chicken little, onlyin pink. doesn't it? spats is like moving

away because i'm making high pitched noises.alright, do you wanna run upstairs and get your princess and the frog to show them? alright,so gracie made this about three, maybe four years ago. hold up the side so it doesn'tfall down. it's a princess and the frog scene. so mind you, it's not supposed to be tianaand naveen, it's a princess and the frog themed thing. let me take some pictures of it, orlet me video it up close, i think may be easier. actually i'm gonna like put it up there. upthere? okay. i just don't want it to fall down. so this is gracie's princess and thefrog, and this was made out of sculpey, and this is the first thing gracie ever sculpted.these are fish, okay. do you see the - i don't wanna break anything - do you see she's kissingthe frog? i mean, like, it is so cute. and

she's holding him too, like there's her hand,and there's her dress, and then there's like toadstools growing on the tree. and then there'ssun coming up behind the tree. i noticed the tree's falling down - yeah, well it tilteda little in the baking process, but i think it's awesome. okay, i'm gonna go put it back.go put it back in the curio, yeah. we worry. we worry! so i was - so okay now it's timefor the speed round, but i would like to make a suggestion gracie. yes? i think that sevenminutes is too long for a speed round, because we keep finishing with like a minute and ahalf left on the clock. so what do you think, five minutes? yeah. five minutes to make ashopkin. mkay, so i'm gonna set the timer for five minutes now, let's pick our shopkins.i was like - "on your marks, get set, go.

pick a shopkin!" - oh wait, we're having dinnerat gugga's tonight! it's actually at six o'clock, not five o'clock, by the way. cause daddy'snot gonna be home at five o'clock! what time is it, by the way? yeah four thirty, daddy'sdefinitely not going to be home. alright here we go. let's pick something. please don'tlet me get something hard. oh, it's another rectangle. oh. oh. okay, these are not fiveminute speed round shopkins. i think we should choose again. do-over, mulligans! okay, herewe go, let's try this again. i got mister sweepy dude. oh, i got this! okay, - lookat that, we both picked - are you okay with yours? yeah. okay, so i got the purple meringue,or pink lavender meringue, and she got sweepy dude. clear sweepy dude. and they are both- they are both rare, so let me put that away.

okay, so it's five minutes this time around,i still don't have a top to my head. spats is readjusting. he's readjusting have to do that, or you'll get bedsores if you sleep all day, like a cat. okay, are you ready gracie? yeah. let's get five minutes on the clock, and... go! i need lavenderishcolor. i need lavender and white. i am making meringuey dude. oh, wait, there's some detailsin there i wasn't familiar with. okay. this is actually - i can do this one. and you knowwhat else i noticed? when kittiesmama did theirs: noah, jonah, and emma made giant shopkins.i mean not that i'm saying you have to make them the size of shopkins, and not that i'mpicking on kittiesmama, by the way, because they're really good friends of ours - andi didn't mean that in a "oh, we're really

good friends with kittiesmama" way, i justmeant that we've become friends with them. and um, cause they're awesome, and we do alot of the same stuff! so anyway, you guys made like giant, like their watermelon wasa piece of watermelon you could've eaten for god sake, so just sayin'. not that i'm totallycalling shenanigans on you guys, but - shenanigans. shenanigans, shenanigans! so i'm twistingmine, so that i can get the whole twisty vibe of the meringue. twisting play-doh - i wasgonna say "twisting shopkins" - twisting play-doh used to be a big thing of mine as a kid. it'slooking more turd like. it's looking twisty turdy more than twisty turney. let me trythat again. what's the difference exactly? look at spats right now, oh my god, i don'thave time to stop and take a picture, but

i want to! because he's just looking at uslike, "you people are so weird, god i thought it was weird with what you were doing withthe dolls and the talking all the time, now this, with the smelly stuff?" - i think helikes the way it smells though, cause he's hanging around. oh, it looks like a pieceof poop! it does, it looks so much like a piece of poop, it's not even funny! it's eithera moroccan minaret or a piece of poop or it's a meringue. i'm really not sure. i think it's a piece of poop. you think it's a piece of poop? let me try and twist it on the ground here. how muchtime do we have? two minutes and 45 seconds! we've got oodles. i'm just gonna give hima derp face, because i do not have time. oh

look, i've got a little meringuey thing. okay,it's looking more sorting hat than meringue, but we're still gonna do legs, we're gonnado feet... does it have feet? no, it just has like a base. i wonder when they're gonnaauction off jenna. i wanted her. i'll never have enough money to win jenna though, butit would be nice. she was so pretty. cute little derpy face. cute little austrian crystallooking shopkin. i love shopkins. i love moose toys. i want jenna. alright, hm, okay. that'snot it at all. okay, i need white. how much time do we have left? okay, two minutes andone second. alright, i need white, and i need to make - we need white play-doh. oh, howare we gonna make spats without white play-doh? that's gonna be a problem. we're gonna haveto decide that he's a different color cat.

like, he's black and green! mhmm. just pretendthe green is - no, he's black and... blue. black and blue? well we can each pick a color.i mean, he's not white and gold. oh duh, like the dress. yeah. oh gosh. one thirty, oneminute and thirty seconds gracie! see, we got complacent with all that time we had that annoying, my bracelet hitting the table? is that making you crazy? alright,here we go. now i need to wrap the white - ah, i just screwed it up! oh no! oh no, nothingstick to him, please! okay, c'mon, here we go. stretchhhh. giving him his fabulous eyebrows.okay, he needs eyeballs. wait, oh i need pink sprinkles! oh gosh, how much time do we haveleft? oh my god, 59 seconds! i need little sprinkles! but i don't have eyes, i'm so losingthis around. ah, why did i think it was gonna

be easier? oh, how much time do we have left?43 seconds. i can do this. i can do this. i just need the white, i just need to maketwo little white dots. where the heck are your eyes? oh, they go over here. oh, i have them on the wrong side. i have his feet on the wrong side. i have the laugh of a crazyperson! 26 seconds gracie! 26 seconds! 26 seconds, we can do it! wait, how many more?19 seconds, i need a mouth! - it looks like spongebob - i need a mouth! wait, clock, herehere here! what do you mean, what do you mean we have 10 seconds? [graice: countdown] wehave ten seconds, we have ten seconds, oh no, the whole thing's falling apart! okay,alright. [music]

okay, so let's just recall to mind what we were supposed to be making.gracie, why don't you show them what you were supposed to be making? i feel better now thatyours looks like... very bad... it feels better that both of us turned out like crap. oh mygosh. okay, so that's sweepy dude. so that is that. isn't it beautiful? and this... hisfeet are on the wrong side, because i - i missed up right at the end, and i realizedi had the meringue and the feet - see i did meringue, i did meringue. we'll take close-uppictures. wait, before you steamroll, let me take pictures. let me take pictures forposterity. okay, of our beautiful creations. i'm gonna roll our other steamrolled thingstogether. okay, so this is gracie's mister

sweepy dude. and this is mommy's - oh, whereis my other, there is mommy's meringue failure. so let us know which one you think was better,and overall - so we did three rounds - let us know who won. comment down below. it'stime for the masterpiece. and now she is going to steamroll them. well do you wanna steamrollthose first, and then steamroll them? like steamroll-ception? okay. alright, here wego. she's gonna steamroll, there you go. you ready? i'm gonna steamroll mister sweep sweeps.[screams] oh, it looks like the face from scream! oh man! alright, i took a picture.look, his eyebrows came off. well that was the other thing. in five minutes, we didn'treally have time to get faces going. alright

meringue, you're about to get steamrolled.i need to flatten her just a little bit. i know, she is a little chubby. oh! nice! sorryfor any nightmares this video has cost. yes, we apologize profusely for any nightmaresthat that may have caused. okay, alright, and now - and now for the giant steamroll.she's gonna steamroll all of it together, here we go. let's see the final outcome, thebeautiful, original piece of art that we end up with. hm, i thought it would be more freakylooking, didn't you? let's see if it's more freaky on the other side. uh, i think that'sthe cooler side, you know. i like it. very cool. here we go, it's our masterpiece! themasterpiece. masterpiece. well thank you all so much, we hope you enjoyed the play-dohchallenge episode two. yeah, and comment down

below, let us know who you thought won, andthank you so much for watching. please follow us on facebook, instagram, google+ and twitter.follow us those places, don't be a hater! cause we don't like haters. and please ifyou see a subscribe button somewhere on the screen around you somewhere, please hit thesubscribe button, and we will see you again very soon! love you! say bye. bye!

by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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